Friday, June 5, 2009

Last-Minute Pre-Trip Update

Thanks for all the well-wishing!

Only 2 hours until I head to the airport...

It looks like the Tanzania excursion won't be happening after all. We got an email today from one of the aides to the president of the tribunal, saying that while the invitation still stands, the offer to pay for airfare does not. Apparently they thought that it was just the 4 teachers, not all 23 of us, when they offered to pay airfare. You win some, you lose some.

Until next time,


  1. Have a great trip Drew! Be smart and be safe. I love you and will miss you! Mom

  2. Sounds like you're having an awesome journey! Keep up the postings. We're all anxious to read what's next. I'm looking forward to mowing the lawn tomorrow. Love - Dad.
