Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Southwest LRT Community Input Open Houses Coming Up!

(Population density in relation to routing options for the SW LRT (Credit: Net Density))

Yes, back to transit.

A series of open houses and community input sessions are being held on August 11, 13, 18, and 19 in Minneapolis, Hopkins, St. Louis Park, Minnetonka, and Eden Prairie.

The Minneapolis meeting will be at the Central Library on the 13th.

These meetings are the last chance for public input prior to the routing recommendation which will be issued at the end of the month. PLEASE attend and push for one of the 3C routes! Get out there and make your voice heard; you city needs you.

The Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the line will also be released at these meetings. I expect the new, more accurate numbers to show 3C as a clear victor over 3A.

Meeting Info.

For anyone still not convinced of the merits of the 3C routing, check out this wonderful post on Brendon Slotterback's Net Density blog.